19 JULY - 29 AUGUST | BAKKERSPLEINTJE 81 - CASTRICUMLast weekend when the temperatures were tropical have been setting up a new exhibition in Galerie Streetscape. Very happy my beach paintings are displayed in the shop window all summer. If you plan to visit the beach of Castricum stop by and enjoy my paintings, feel the summer breeze. Or visit my page in the Gallery website and see whats happening. Galerie Streetscape Opening hours: Thursday to Sunday 13.00-17.00, Bakkerspleintje 81 - 1901 EZ - Castricum pictures: Saskia Steenbakkers
Last week had the chance to paint these young optimists on a hot and sunny day. Had to grab this last opportunity and paint the boats on my favorite canal. Last day this summer for the sailingschool Zeilschool Lombok Utrecht. Was great fun to see these youngsters sailing and paint them! By the time I finished the painting and made this picture they were gone.
Title: Sunny and optimistic | 2014 - oil painting | 30x40cm | 12"x16" purchase 'YOUNG PAINTING TALENT NR 1'During the International Painting Festival Noordwijk we were located at beach pavilion 'De Zeester'. When I discovered these lovely 3 kids painting outdoors like we did, I had to paint them and capture this moment before it was gone. Was lucky the kids liked painting as much as I do. Title: 'Young painting talent nr. 1' | oil painting | size: 30x40cm | 12"x16" purchase
ANNEKE VAN DER LENDEIn my BLOG you can follow my Painting Life and see me at work. Painting on location at the beach, city or elsewhere in the country. 'I HOPE YOU WILL
ENJOY MY PAINTINGS' If you like to follow my work? Sign up here! And receive 5 of my art postcards FOR FREE CATEGORIES